Carmel Convent Pre Primary School Khopoli
Our Vision
Young minds to be highly educated accurately moulded morally and socially equipped to serve the lord and the nation with a heart full of devotion.
Our Mission
To inspire and to teach the young to work hard to be worthy assets of the family, society, country and the world as a whole.
Carmel Education:
Mission Statement
“ The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end, they are new every morning, great is your faithfulness.”
-Holy Bible.
School Motto
Love & Service
The circle signifies the universe. The star stands for the star of the sea, Our LADY OF MOUNT CARMEL to whom the school is dedicated. The Lamp tells us that the students should be lamps radiating light to millions who are still in darkness.
Our Alma Mater wants her students to be torch bearers of LOVE AND SERVICE
The C.M.C. is a religious and charitable congregation. Its main mission is education aiming at the intellectual, social, economic, moral and spiritual advancement of the people, particularly women and children. The care of the sick and the destitute, social welfare services and such other activities, are also undertaken according to the needs of the church and the people of the locality. We are more than 6270 sisters working in different states of India and now we have extended our fields of service even to Africa, America and Europe. Carmel Convent School, Khopoli is under the religious jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Bishop of Kalyan in the state of Maharashtra. Carmel Convent School was started in June 1990 under the Management of C.M.C. sisters of Nirmala province of Trichur, Kerala. “By education we aim at the formation of the human person with respect to the good of these societies which as a person he is member and in whose responsibility as an adult he will share.