O Céu e o Inferno

1.1 by F&E System Apps
Oct 7, 2013

About O Céu e o Inferno

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Read the description and functionality of the app:

The book Heaven and Hell, or Divine Justice According to Spiritism is the fourth of the five Basic Works of Spiritism, launched in 1865, in France, by Allan Kardec.

The work consists of two parts: the first, Kardec conducts a critical point looking philosophical contradictions and inconsistencies with the scientific knowledge surmountable, he said, by the paradigm spirit of reasoned faith.

Covers various topics such as: the causes of the fear of death, because the spiritualists do not fear death, heaven, hell, hell imitated Christian pagan purgatory among others.

In the second part, contained dozens of dialogues that have been established between Kardec and various spirits in which they narrate impressions which bring the life after death and how was the process of disembodiment for people of different character types. Are exposed several dissertations real cases to demonstrate the state of the soul, during and after physical death, giving the reader ample conditions so you can understand the action of the Law of Cause and Effect, in perfect balance with the Divine Laws; thus included in this part, stories of spirits happy, unhappy spirits in median conditions, suffering, suicide, criminals and spirits endurecidos.espíritos conditions medians, suffering, suicide, hardened criminals and spirits.

Heaven and Hell puts you within reach of all, the knowledge of the mechanism by which processes the Divine Justice, in accordance with the evangelical principle: "To each according to his works."

App Features:

* Layout style book;

* Change style flipping through pages;

* Easy access to the index of the book;

* Continues reading the last page accessed;

* Setting the font size and spacing;

* Change the background for easier reading in dark environments

Warning: This app has been tested on Motorola Spice XT handset with Android 2.3 Gingerbread and a 3.5-inch touch screen.

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