Learn the art of swimming by pro teacher swim simulations
Why Swimming <\b>
Swimming is considered the best exercise for whole body, where every part of body gets exercise. Swimming builds strength and cardio abilities simultaneously. Though it's a low-impact workout, swimming produces high-power results. It is typically considered an aerobic exercise, but exercising in water also provides moderate resistance. Evey muscle of body works while you swim. Unlike jogging or poly metric training, swimming is a way to fit cardio into your workout routine without putting stress on your bones, joints and muscles. This is a plus for swimmers of all ages and body types, but it's particularly beneficial for seniors and people with arthritis.
These are some of the benefits you will get after learning how to swim from this wonderful swim teaching app.
- keeps your heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off your body.
- builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness.
- helps maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs.
- tones muscles and builds strength.
Why you need this Swimming Teacher app <\b>
First time ever swimming teacher app in 3d. Unlike most of the other apps, its not 2d but 3D app, it teaches you all aspects of swimming in 3d, you can watch moves, animations, every side of body to learn how to move what part of body. This swimming app will teach how you get ready for swimming, how you warmup. How you hold breath for swimming, and then how you start it. Take a good look on our teacher how it performs every thing for you. You can rotate and move his body to see all the side of swimming.
How to use this swimming app <\b>
First read all the instructions, learn to warmup and select which swimming style you are into, whether it is butterfly, back stroke, front stroke, or breast stroke. Then watch and perform like the swimming teacher tells you, you can rotate it to see other side of swimming teacher.
Before starting swimming learn about swimming safety instructions and tip. You can aslo learn what swimming accessories are best to be safe and fast learner.
Best Swimming teacher features <\b>
- Professional 3d teaching app
- swimming teacher can viewed from all sides
- pro swimming pool
- all the swimming style are here to learn
- information about swimming accessories
- learn about swimming safety.
- all the swimming teaching related information in one app
No data No Wi-Fi <\b>