Top 10 Android Reminder Apps for Forgetful People
If you are a forgetful person, you need to download these reminder apps. They will help you remember important events and keep your life organized.
Forgetting is all too common in daily life. The cases of forgetting are also varied, such as forgetting romantic anniversaries, forgetting important work assignments, and forgetting the repayment date. And there's no denying that it's natural for people to become forgetful as they get older. At this point, mobile phone reminder software can play a huge role. It can remind you of anything on time according to your settings, so you no longer have to rack your brain to remember everything. Here are 10 android mobile reminder apps to help you.
The Best Reminder Apps On Android
- Todoist:待辦列表&計劃
- TickTick - 待辦事項與工作清單
- Remember The Milk
- IFTTT - 工作流程和智能家居自動化
- Google 日曆
- Google Keep - 記事和清單
- Evernote - 記事整理工具
- Google 瀏覽器
- Countdown+ Widgets Calendar Li
- 簡單但強大的待辦列表、習慣養成和提醒。管理工作和生活。9.0價格: 免費應用內購商品: 否
- 極致全能的效率助手8.9價格: 免費應用內購商品: 否
- 官方記得牛奶的Android應用程序。10.0價格: 免費應用內購商品: 否
- 商業及智慧家庭Android裝置自動化8.4價格: 免費應用內購商品: 否
- 透過 Google Workspace 的 Google 日曆隨時掌握後續行程7.9價格: 免費應用內購商品: 否
- Google Keep8.8價格: 免費應用內購商品: 否
- 儲存、閱讀和聆聽全網路上您喜愛的新聞、敘事和影片。8.6價格: 免費應用內購商品: 否
- 做筆記的記事本、行事曆、日誌本。8.9價格: 免費應用內購商品: 否
- Google 瀏覽器,速度飛快又安全7.9價格: 免費應用內購商品: 否
- 倒計時你的事件,生日,假期等。永遠不要忘記一個事件!價格: 免費應用內購商品: 否