10 Best Privacy Apps for Android
Best apps to help you keep your personal information safe online.
It becomes increasingly important that keep your privacy safe online, especially with all the cookie tracking and data collection from apps and modern browsers. Fortunately, there are a variety of apps that you can install on your Android devices to protect your digital privacy online, including the Duckdukgo browser, the Signal encrypted instant messaging app and more. If you are serious about your privacy, anonymity, and security online, we collected some of the best privacy apps here for you. Download the apps you need and start to keep your personal information private and secure online.
The Best Privacy Apps On Android
- Avast 防毒軟體- 快速安全掃毒
- Lookout 手機安全 (防毒,防盜,定位)
- DuckDuckGo Browser, Search, AI
- Photo Vault
- 全球下載量超過 1 億次!AI 每月偵測到超過 200 萬個針對 Android 的病毒。提供「防毒、安全、隱私」的最佳服務9.3價格: 免費應用內購商品: 否
- Lookout 安全 Wi-Fi 和系統顧問功能正式上線8.7價格: 免費應用內購商品: 否
- 積極保護你的資料8.1價格: 免費應用內購商品: 否
- 照片庫可隱藏照片和影片。私人畫廊將金庫鎖定為安全秘密。價格: 免費應用內購商品: 否