The world´s largest directory of professionals for online chat services.
It allows you to make chat consultations with psychologists, therapists and many more. Ask questions for free, just contact them. Buy and sell services online. Earn money answering questions on your mobile. If your phone runs on Android 4.1 or higher you can make calls and answer queries through video-chat. Obtain 40$ free in services and consultations just for signing up.
Search by categories. Any online expert speaking your language who can answer your question immediately.
Professionals search. Lets you search any professional by name to find if they offer their services in AirPersons.
Word search. There are 20 different subcategories: Counseling psychology, Sport psychology, Clinical psychology, Cognitive psychology, Forensic psychology, Analytical psychotherapy, Abnormal psychology, Personality psychology, Psychogeriatrics, Educational psychology (child), Speech Therapy, Sex Therapy, Family Therapy, etc.
Internal mail. Send your questions and consultations for free to any professionals you want. Answer your customers’ questions.
My account. It allows you to check your balance in AirPersons and add funds to your account to buy services.
Products creation: It allows you to create and manage your own services, offers and Mini-Jobs.