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Contains learning about life after death
Life after death actually starts from the moment after the human spirit separates from the body and is lifted into the sky and then returns to the realm of blessings. In Surah al-Ankabut verse 57, Allah says, "Every soul will taste death. Then only to Us will you be returned.”
And the contents are accompanied by discussing about
The True Essence of Life
Everyone who is born on this earth will go through a period of time called life. Every person will interpret this life based on the information and experience he has received since he started thinking and being able to store his memories. For a Muslim he goes through a shortcut to find out what the true nature of life is. This is through the information explained by the Koran and the Sunnah of Rasulullah S.A.W. It also depends on how he was raised and the extent of exposure to information from these sources that he received, either from his parents or the environment that raised him.
Al-Quran as guidance
The Koran is the last book which is God's gift to humans in this world, it is like a map for a traveler. It contains a picture of a straight path to get to a goal that has been outlined. In fact, it explains the real destination that everyone should go to. The afterlife and supernatural matters are described by the Koran as real and in a streak forward manner as a shortcut for the human mind to understand them. That's why the Koran is only a guide for pious people, namely those who believe in unseen things, including the Afterlife.
"That is the Book of which there is no doubt, as a guide for those who are pious, namely those who believe in the unseen and establish prayers and they spend part of what we have provided for them..." (al Baqarah 2- 4)
Even though the sane mind that Allah has given to humans can lead a person to the essence of divinity, Allah (with His grace) has sent the Messengers and the Book as a shortcut and easy way for humans to reach this essence. Likewise, the nature of this life and where the end is and what the purpose of humans being brought to life in this world is also shown in detail by the Koran. Therefore, the Koran is actually the greatest blessing that Allah has sent down to humans in this world. Therefore, for believers, looking at the verses every day (apart from getting the benefits) is a sign of gratitude to Allah for these blessings.
Recognizing the Nature of Oneself
Humans are the most unique creatures created by Allah in this world. His glory may exceed the height of the angels, but his humiliation may also be more despicable than animals. That's what God describes:
"Indeed, We made humans the best of things, then We returned them to the lowest place,... except for those who believe and do good deeds..." (al Tin verse: 4-5)
Glory or humiliation are two choices that humans must make because they are different. The paths are also different and should not be mixed. For those who choose glory and height, the path described by the Koran is a straight path and that is the path to Allah, the Most High. A forked or crooked path is a path that leads to humiliation and lowliness.
"And this is my path, the straight path, so you must follow it and do not follow other paths or you will be separated from the path..."
Last updated on Dec 9, 2024
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Kitab Hidup Setelah Mati
1.0.0 by AdaraStudio
Dec 9, 2024