APKPure Appを使用する
我的賬戶 My Account Checkの旧いバージョンをダウンロードすることが可能
✔ 查閱服務狀況及賬戶結餘
✔ 查閱最近3個月賬單
✔ 查閱本地流動數據、話音及視像通話、短訊及多媒體訊息服務使用量
✔ 查閱漫遊流動數據及Wi-Fi使用量(只限已申請「智全面漫遊通行証(日費計劃)」之客戶)
✔ 憑賬單QR碼於香港任何一間7-Eleven以現金繳付賬單
Last updated on 2016年09月14日
Version 3.1.9
csl service: Remaining data usage notification from the My Account Check App terminates on September 13, 2016, but you can still receive SMS or email alerts. EN:25123123
For prepaid SIM card user, please login to "Prepaid-My Account (http://prepaid.hkcsl.com)" for recharge or inquiry.
With effect from 14 May 2014, CSL Limited has become part of the HKT Group. Please visit http://www.hkt.com/mobile for the customer notification.
我的賬戶 My Account Check
3.1.9 by CSL Mobile Limited