Signature Maker - Digital Signature Creator, sign

2.0 توسط Zarine Tec

درباره‌ی Signature Maker - Digital Signature Creator, sign

Create electronic signature, manual signature & watermark by our signature maker

Signature Maker - Digital Signature Creator, sign is the app which allows you to create your own signatures for your identity in the technology world.You can easily draw signature manually with the help of our Signature Maker - Digital Signature Creator, sign. By this signature maker watermark app, you can also make watermark on your photos or documents to avoid misuse your personal documents. It is the stylish name signature maker app like you can create different styles of signatures. In this Signature Maker - Digital Signature Creator, sign, you can create two types of signatures:

Create handwritten signature/ custom signature by this hand signature maker

Create Digital signature by this Digital signature maker

Create watermark by this signature maker watermark app

You also use this signature maker without background. It is,name to signature maker app like you just have to enter your name and signatures will create automatically.You can change the font style for your signatures. Whole World is using internet these days and almost every business is shifted on internet, so if you are also doing your business then you should have to create your identity on internet. The biggest identity of the person is signature. If you are dealing clients on internet and want contract signature, then create your own signatures with this Signature Maker - Digital Signature Creator, sign and show your identity with your electronic signatures in the electronic world. You can change your pen color in this digital signature creator app. Create signatures of your own styles.If you are looking for free signature maker app, then this is totally free signature maker - digital signature creator app for you. You can easily make signature like custom signature and digital signature with the help of this signature maker application.


• It is a free signature maker app

• Draw manual signature with this handwritten signature maker

• Create digital signatures of your name and any other things

• Make watermark on your photos and documents

• You can change pen color in this electronic signature maker

• Undo and redo functions are available

• You can also change pen size in this electronice signature

Mostly people like watermark on their work, so add watermark on any photo with the help of this signature maker watermark - electronice signature app. You can change pen color while you create custom signature and also change your pen stroke to do signatures in this electronic signature maker - Digital signature creator application. While you make your digital signatures, you can change Text color and Text styles, We have many text styles in this Signature Maker - Digital Signature Creator, sign which will amaze your signatures and you can use those signatures anywhere, Change background color and you can also add picture on background to create digital signatures. If you did wrong signatures then you can also resolve that problem with the help of undo and redo buttons.


• Download and install this Signature Maker - Digital Signature Creator, sign.

• Open this Signature Maker - Digital Signature Creator, sign.

• To make watermark on your photos, click on watermark button and add watermark.

• To change pen size, swipe the seek bar under the stroke width button.

• To change pen color, click on Random color button and select your own color.

• To check your creations, click on my work button.

Privacy Policy:

This Signature Maker - Digital Signature Creator, sign is 100% safe & secure app that it will not take or save your any personal information like photos, videos, contacts, microphone, messages etc.

جدیدترین چیست در نسخه‌ی 2.0

Last updated on 30/09/2020
Bugs Removed.

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بارگذاری شده توسط

Ser Makoy

نیاز به اندروید

Android 4.1+


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جایگزین Signature Maker - Digital Signature Creator, sign

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