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Cree una firma manuscrita con la aplicación Handy Digital o eSignature Maker
Handy Digital Signature
Create and Generate your very own digital signature using the Digital Signature and Electronic Signature or eSignature Maker App for Personal, Business and Commercial Use.
Signature is very important for all documents, soft copy and online transactions and files. That is why it is important to have a hand writing digital signature app also called as eSignature or Electronic Signature Generator for you to make signature using your smartphone and your hands. This Digital Signature Maker app helps to insert signatures as for E-mail signature, and photo documents.
It is now east to use your signature to add to any photo documents or files you like.
Your created digital signature can be use and integrated on the following apps:
- DocuDign
- Adobe Fill
- SignEasy
- Adobe Sign
- and many more!
Features and How-it-works?
- Hand Written Digital Signature
Use your fingertips or digital pen or S-Pen to create digital signature with customizable design such as different signature colors, pen style and different sizes.
- Type to Create a Signature
Creation of Digital Signature is now easier that lets you just type a text and this will be automatically create a signature easily. Type Signature is customizable with different font styles, colors, and sizes.
- Digital Signature Gallery History
View your created Digital Signature and designs. It allows you to save and review all the signatures you created.
- Embed Signature to Documents
Use your created signature to embed to photo documents by opening any Photo Documents on your gallery. You can simply save it, share and send it through emails and other apps.
- Share, Send and Upload
All your created signature and photo documents with signature is ready for sharing anytime. Just click the share button and send it to any platform you want.
Download this app for Free and utilize the technology to create digital signature to get ready for the Digital World and Digital Transformation.
Last updated on 18/02/2021
The most advance and user-friendly Digital Signature and Electronic Signature Maker
- Hand-writing Signature
- Signature through your fingertips
- Sign on Photo Documents
- Signature Text Generator
- Customizable Signature
- Electronic Signature Gallery and History
- Upload and Share to different applications
Presentado por
Pakbung AS
Android 4.2+
Handy Digital Signature and eSignature Maker
1.0 by ScriptRepublic