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About Urdaibai Oka App

Urdaibai Oka App

-> The Upper Estuary Oka estuary: natural and cultural heritage:

The application is to be a guide to make known to all who wish to enjoy the Upper Estuary Oka estuary, the material surrounding it concentrated natural and cultural heritage.

Specifically, this area runs through the municipalities of Gernika-Lumo, Forua, Murueta, Kortezubi, Gautegiz-Arteaga and Arratzu. However, for points of interest visible from certain areas of the Upper Oka estuary or places worth visiting, include areas outside the mentioned area.

The application presents nine (9) pathways, compatible, allowing communication between the previously mentioned municipalities, all of which can be traveled on foot or by bike, and even riding a particular case. For identification and knowledge, it is desirable to have well present both the characterization of pathways and comments and notices provided in the application.

For each of the proposed routes, the application offers various information related to the environment by running include: characterization (severity, orientation, effort required, length ...), public transport connection (lines and stops or stations), public parking, route description, existing natural heritage (wetlands, vegetation and orographic relevant points), a leading cultural heritage information panels for location disclosure (Superior estuary dynamics, sedimentary processes, depending on the village, fauna, flora, landscape evolution ...), rest areas and corresponding to the urban centers reported information.

-> Oka itsasadarrreko goi-estuarioa: natural eta kultura-ondarea

Gida da hau Aplikazioa bat goi-Oka itsasadarraren estuarioaz gozatu nahi duen ororentzat. Bertan, Eremu inguruko horrendous natural eta kultura-ondarearen gaineko hainbat informazio batzen da.

Ingurune horizon, ere zuzen hain, Gernika-Lumo, Forua, Murueta, Kortezubi, Gautegiz Arteaga eta Arratzu zeharkatzen ditu. Hala ere, aplikazioak Eremu Kanpo horretatik Dauden lekuak batzen ditu; bereziki, Oka Goi Estuarioko toki zehatz batzuetatik begiztatu daitezkeen interesguneak bisitatzeko edota direlako gomendagarriak.

Aplikazioak beren artean bateragarri diren bederatzi (9) ibilbide ditu, arestian aipatutako udalerriak Lotzen dituztenak; Guztiak, Oinez bai, bai bizikletaz egin daitezke, eta bat kasuren zaldiz Baita ere. Horiek ezagutzeko, komeni da aintzat hartzea aplikazioan batutako ibilbideen berezitasunak oharrak eta.

Proposatutako ibilbide bakoitzak duen zeharkatzen ingurunearen gaineko hainbat informazio eskaintzen du aplikazioak, besteak beste: bere karakterizazioa (zorroztasuna, orientazioa, egin beharreko ahalegina, luzera ...) garraio publikoarekin Dauden Loturak (eta lineak geralekuak edota geltokiak) aparkaleku publikoak, ibilbidearen deskribapena, bere inguruko Naturala Ondare (hezeguneak, landaredia garrantsizko eta toki orografikoak), kultura-ondarea, dibulgaziorako Panelen kokapena (goi itsasadarreko Dinamika, jalkitze prozesuak, baserriaren betebeharra wildlife landaredia, bilakera paisaiaren ...) eta atesedenguneak lotutako gaineko herriguneen informazioa.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.2

Last updated on Jul 20, 2016

Minor bug fixes and improvements. Install or update to the newest version to check it out!

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Porama Saelim

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