یہ ایپ ہندی زبان میں یوپی جی کے (جوابی عام علم) فراہم کرتی ہے۔
This app provides Uttar Pradesh General Knowledge in Hindi Language. This app has more than 1000 Uttar Pradesh general knowledge questions. This app has Uttar Pradesh History, geography, economy, culture, Districts, Festivals, river, tourism and many others. This app will help you to prepare for competition exams like: RBI, CAT, UPSC, MPPSC, BANK PO, BANK CLERK, SSC, IAS, IPS, RAILWAY and many others. This app content available in Hindi Language. By using this app, you can get essential study material for Uttar Pradesh general knowledge.
NOTE: Uttar Pradesh GK (उत्तर प्रदेश सामान्य ज्ञान) app is a free but may contain some ads.