Choose Ride Odong odong
The existence of public vehicles in the current era of modernization, can still be found in various regions in the country. In fact, making these children's favorite rides, can be said to be progressing in line with the times.
Call it odong-odong, which was initially known to only be pedaled while walking around, now many have undergone modifications as part of a marketing strategy. Starting from the odong-odong in the form of cars and mini trains that operate on public roads, to odong-odong matic who usually operate in front of the minimarket.
If the odong-odong is in the form of a mini car and train using a modified three-wheeled motorbike, odong-odong matic is actually simpler because it only uses the dynamo as the driving force for circling.
Because it is fairly practical and does not consume excess power, many owners prefer to use the odong-odong type matic to operate. Even so, not a few are still loyal to the types of cars and mini trains.