Collection of Free Hindi Books available offline. हिंदी लघु कथाएं
इस ऍप में आप सेकड़ो हिंदी लघु कथाये तथा भाषांतरित कथाएं पढ़ सकेंगे। कालिदास, भवभूति से लेकर प्रेमचंद, टैगोर तक बहोत सारी कथाएं यहाँ है.
Collection of rare Hindi Stories such as Kalidas, Rutusanhar, Shakuntala etc. There are over 150 books in this to read. All the stories are offline which means once you install the app you can forever enjoy all the books without the need to use valuable data.
Hindi stories in this app are mostly around mythology, hindu religion, science fiction and exceptional fantasy stories.
You can read the stories offline and easily share with friends and family.