The purpose of this App is to have the vital information of forest trees.
The purpose of this App is to have the vital information of forest trees in a finger touch. These are the common tropical trees of India, with special focus on Central India. The scope and the targeted groups includes: Forest Guards, Students of Forestry, Students of Botany, Tree Enthusiasts, Naturalists, Nursery people, Forestry professionals and the even a common man who has a curiosity about trees and forest.
Trees were grouped based on Species, Family, Local names and their major uses. The Search option is handy to browse a piece of information at lightning speed in offline. To keep improving the App further, the option of my observation and photo attachment facility was created. The information presented in this App was collected from internet, standard books and articles; they were edited to make a simple and reliable source of information for a user. But, to improve the quality of fact and to create a knowledge pool in forest trees, my observation option was created, in which a curious user can add his observation as text as well as he/she can attach photos.