Find out how much you actually know about the people you spend your time with!
EGO Personal Quiz is the game to play with your friends
Find out how much you actually know about the people you spend your time with - they will surprise you!
3-8 persons can play this game on just ONE phone or ONE tablet!
EGO Personal Quiz is a new personal game and the object is to reveal personal opinions, thoughts and secrets about topics you have probably never before encountered or discussed.
One player at a time is posed a personal question with 3 given answers to choose from. When the player has chosen his or her answer, the other players each try to guess this player's answer.
A simple game, but nonetheless both revealing and great fun.
EGO Personal Quiz contains a basic version with content for several hours entertainment. If you like it, and decide you want more, please choose from our additional theme packages, such as: "PARTY TIME", "MORAL ISSUES", ”WOMEN’S NIGHT OUT" and ”MEN’S NIGHT OUT”. These can then be combined in a single game.
Have fun!
We guarantee - you will be surprised!
*** EGO Personal Quiz is basically a game for adults. We recommend an age of 15+ ***
*** Based on the original European Board Game ”EGO – Who are you?” ***
... If you enjoy playing EGO, why not check out our other award-winning game: More or Less - a quiz all about NUMBERS!