Easiest way to calculate differential pressure on DP transmitter.
This app will serve as a tool for Instrumentation professionals to calibrate level on tanks utilizing the DP transmitter. With the click of a button you'll have URV and LRV directly calculated for you.
There are also illustrations to guide you all the way to have a fun and easy way of performing your instrumentation duties.
It covers the common applications such as :
-Open Tank Impulse Line Single Wet Leg
-Open Tank Capillary Zero Suppression
-Open Tank Capillary Zero Elevation
-Open Tank Bubbler System
-Closed or Pressurized Tank Capillary Two Seal System
-Closed or Pressurized Tank Impulse Line Wet Leg
-Closed or Pressurized Tank Impulse Dry Leg
-Closed or Pressurized Tank Capillary Interface
So if you're an Instrument professional or would like to, use this app
to hasten your work life.