Bluetooth 4.0 LE and Classic Scanner. Downloadable scan data. Find lost devices.
Bluetooth 4.0 (Low Energy and Classic Mode) Scanner. BlueScan scans for Bluetooth devices, looks up the vendor and allows you to email the results.The information is recorded includes: device name, location, RSSI signal strength, MAC address, MAC address vendor lookup.
This supports the project - crowdsourced Bluetooth database. Users are also reporting usage to find their lost Bluetooth devices.
Scan data can be downloaded via email in JSON and CSV format. Also, this version uploads the found devices to a web database, which can be turned off in menu --> settings. Bluetooth 4.0 devices will be able to scan in Classic or Low Energy mode. Devices without Bluetooth 4.0 can scan in Classic mode only.
This is part of a research project into the extent that Bluetooth devices are used in the buildout of the Internet-of-things. Currently this supports Bluetooth Classic and 4.0 (Bluetooth Low Energy - BLE).
This app is oriented toward those curious about the extent of the Bluetooth devices in and around their neighborhood - drive through your neighborhood while scanning for Bluetooth devices and you'll see sensors, firetucks, freeway monitors, car brands, laptops, phones, TV set-top boxes, etc.
Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. That includes bugs, feature requests, sending of some scan data sets would be appreciated ( and/or any comments about interesting Bluetooth devices you are seeing.
Many Thanks, John