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完全沉迷到以前經典的貪吃蛇遊戲? Snake Classic會帶你進入經典貪吃蛇的世界,並且有更多的遊戲元素, 更多的遊戲玩法,更多的遊戲樂趣。
漂亮的UI和動畫,簡易操作,2種遊戲模式(經典模式和不朽模式),4個世界級大關卡,64個小關卡,5種遊戲難度,90種不同功能的蛇,Snake Classic將是最好貪吃蛇遊戲!
* 點擊屏幕控制蛇的轉向,可以轉向任意方向!
* 收集足夠的食物,以進入下一個的遊戲。
* 收集盡可能多的食物,獲得額外的獎勵並有機會獲得更多特殊種類的蛇。
* 在經典模式,如果碰到牆壁或自己的尾巴,蛇會死掉。
* 在不朽模式,你會得到一條隨機的蛇在隨機的關卡和難度下游戲。蛇是不會死的。
* 共有4個世界級大關卡,64個小關卡,你可以得到90種蛇,5種難度設置(非常簡單,簡單,普通,難,非常難)。在Snake Classic,所有玩家都有自己的挑戰!
* 每種蛇都擁有其特殊功能。他們可以增加額外的獎金,並提高獲得特殊蛇的機率。
* 下載推薦遊戲介紹可以賺取更多的蛇。
* 每天可以獲得免費的蛇。
[English Introduction]
Totally Addicted Yourself into old classic Snake game ? Wallow in nostalgia for old school snake from old phones ?
Snake Classic will Bring You Back to The Joy of Old Classic Snake, and have more game Elements, have more fun . And It is also as addictive as the original snake!
With in-game achievements, Nice UI and animation, Easy operation, 2 game modes( Classic Mode and Immortal Mode ), 4 worlds with 64 levels, 5 difficulty settings With 90 Snakes, Snake Classic is the best classic snake game, addictive fun !
How to Play:
* Touch screen to control the snake, turn in Arbitrary direction.
* Collect food on each level to progress the game.
* Collect as many food as you can to increase extra bonus and chance to get more kinds of snakes.
* In Classic Mode, The snake dies if it touches walls or its own tail.
* In Immortal Mode, You will get a random snake playing in a random level with random difficulty setting . And the snake will not die .
* Total 4 worlds with 64 levels , you can get 90 kinds of snakes in 5 difficulty settings( Very Easy, Easy, Normal, Hard, Very Hard). All player can have a challenge in Dm Snake !
* Every snake have its owner skill. They can increase extra bonus and chance to get Special snake.
* Download Recommand game can earn more snakes.
* Get free snakes every day.
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