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“我斬小怪三刀他沒掛,小怪虐我一下我就掛了?”《一刀斬》是一款主打”走位“戰鬥的忍者主題手遊,戰鬥操作看似簡單,開局一把刀,按鈕也只有兩個:左鍵格擋、右鍵進攻,實則十分考驗玩家的戰鬥技巧,需要玩家上手琢磨利用格擋找背提高輸出、合理把控體力槽。攻擊不能貪刀,找準時機出手最關鍵!什麼呀,你說你打不過?那就去裝備店購買上好的武器和防具吧!不要忘記去訓練場提升自己的屬性哦,忍者也是需要修煉的啦!Last updated on 2020年05月02日
1. "Auto attack" is added. After clicking the attack button once, the player will continue to attack automatically until the player performs a defensive operation.
2. Add "lens shake" option.
3. Added new chapter levels
4. Fixed the bug that scenes later than Chapter 4 may cause flashback
5. Reconstructed the training value and canceled the relevant attributes. Max level is 40.
6. New gear system
7. Equipment can now be upgraded to level 40
8. New equipment propertys
0.0.13 by Phoenix Mobile