下載 APKPure App
您可以輕鬆地把你的IBM Lotus Notes數據到移動設備
With docLinkr you can easily bring your IBM Lotus Notes data to your mobile devices without the need for programming skills. All you need is an IBM Lotus Domino Server (minimum requirement Version 8.5.3), the docLinkr connector-database and the docLinkr config-database (get the databases on www.doclinkr.com). No tasks, no server manipulation!
You can see here a recorded webinar titled "Mobilising Lotus Notes Applications Without Coding":
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jH5T5lN82co (English)
Fixed several issues with button actions
Fixed searchbox height.
Bugfix for checkboxes
Fixed a bug in picture upload
Added camera function to upload pictures to your notes documents