《 Spotify 》是瑞典的音頻流媒體和媒體服務提供商,於 2006 年 4 月 23 日創立,現時持有32%的市場份,是最大的音樂流媒體服務提供商,用戶可以聆聽自世界各地歌手的數百萬首歌曲、Podcasts和視頻,如 Apple Music。截至 2022 年 6 月,《 Spotify 》每月活躍用戶超過 4.33 億。
《 Spotify 》 提供來自唱片公司和媒體公司的音樂,超過 8200 萬首歌曲。《 Spotify 》 有免費版Spotify Free及付費版Spotify Premium,基本功能是免費的,只需使用電子郵件地址註冊或連接 Facebook 即可免費登記及使用,但含有廣告和有限的控制。而其他附加的功能,如離線收聽、無廣告收聽或更好的音質,則需要付費訂閱提供,Premium用戶可以在五台不同的設備上離線收聽多達 10,000 首歌曲。另外,用戶可以根據歌手、專輯、唱片公司或類別搜索音樂,並可以創建、編輯和其他用戶共享播放列表。
《 Spotify 》 目前可在 180 多個國家/地區使用,而且適用於大多數電子設備,包括 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 計算機、iOS 和 Android 智能手機和平板電腦、智能家居設備(如 Amazon Echo 和 Google Nest 系列產品)以及數字媒體播放器(如 Roku)。
《 Spotify 》向歌手支付的每首歌曲或每張專輯的價格是固定的,將會根據歌手的媒體數量作為媒體總歌曲的比例支付版稅。它將總收入的大約 70% 分配給版權持有者,然後他們根據個人協議向歌手支付費用。
1.超過 8200 萬首歌曲
3.可在 180 多個國家/地區使用
Spotify apk is free on Android mobile and tablet. Listen to the amazing music, wherever you are. With Spotify, you can:
• Have access to a world of music
• Listen to artists and albums.
• Create your own playlist of your favorite songs
Want to discover new music? Choose a ready-made playlist that suits your mood or get personalized recommendations.
Listen for free on mobile, tablet or pc
• Play any artist, album, or playlist on shuffle mode
• Play any song, any time, anywhere
Spotify Premium apk features
• Play any song, any time on any device--mobile, tablet, or your computer
• Easy to operate- Just search for the music and click play.
• Download music for offline listening. Enjoy anywhere you are.
• Enjoy better sound quality than ever.
• No ads – just uninterrupted music.
• No commitment - cancel any time you like.
You can enjoy 30 free trial before deciding to upgrade to Premium.
1. Why upgrade to Spotify Premium?
• No ads. When studying and dancing, you won’t be interrupted by ads.
• Lots of different music, instantly. Hear any song you want.
• Enjoy offline mode. Listen to songs without wasting your data.
• Protect your ears. Premium packs more sound quality into songs.
2. Why get Spotify Premium apk for Family?
• Save a lot. Always $14.99, the more people you add, the more you save.
• Individual accounts. No need to worry about tantrums.
• Keep your playlists. Upgrade and save your music and get special recommendations.
• Super simple bill. Low price is ready for you and up to five family members.
3. Will we get regular Premium apk, or a light version? • You will get regular Premium, with all Premium benefits. Listen to your tunes on-demand, ad-free and offline.
4. How does the bill work? Do we split the cost? • Only one simple bill every month to cover the whole family. It’s always $14.99 for you and up to 5 people. For each person, it’s less than $3 every month.
5. Can I add friends too? • It is special discount for family. So you need to live at the same address.
《 Spotify 》是瑞典的音頻流媒體和媒體服務提供商,於 2006 年 4 月 23 日創立,現時持有32%的市場份,是最大的音樂流媒體服務提供商,用戶可以聆聽自世界各地歌手的數百萬首歌曲、Podcasts和視頻,如 Apple Music。截至 2022 年 6 月,《 Spotify 》每月活躍用戶超過 4.33 億。
《 Spotify 》 提供來自唱片公司和媒體公司的音樂,超過 8200 萬首歌曲。《 Spotify 》 有免費版Spotify Free及付費版Spotify Premium,基本功能是免費的,只需使用電子郵件地址註冊或連接 Facebook 即可免費登記及使用,但含有廣告和有限的控制。而其他附加的功能,如離線收聽、無廣告收聽或更好的音質,則需要付費訂閱提供,Premium用戶可以在五台不同的設備上離線收聽多達 10,000 首歌曲。另外,用戶可以根據歌手、專輯、唱片公司或類別搜索音樂,並可以創建、編輯和其他用戶共享播放列表。
《 Spotify 》 目前可在 180 多個國家/地區使用,而且適用於大多數電子設備,包括 Windows、macOS 和 Linux 計算機、iOS 和 Android 智能手機和平板電腦、智能家居設備(如 Amazon Echo 和 Google Nest 系列產品)以及數字媒體播放器(如 Roku)。
《 Spotify 》向歌手支付的每首歌曲或每張專輯的價格是固定的,將會根據歌手的媒體數量作為媒體總歌曲的比例支付版稅。它將總收入的大約 70% 分配給版權持有者,然後他們根據個人協議向歌手支付費用。
1.超過 8200 萬首歌曲
3.可在 180 多個國家/地區使用
Spotify apk is free on Android mobile and tablet. Listen to the amazing music, wherever you are. With Spotify, you can:
• Have access to a world of music
• Listen to artists and albums.
• Create your own playlist of your favorite songs
Want to discover new music? Choose a ready-made playlist that suits your mood or get personalized recommendations.
Listen for free on mobile, tablet or pc
• Play any artist, album, or playlist on shuffle mode
• Play any song, any time, anywhere
Spotify Premium apk features
• Play any song, any time on any device--mobile, tablet, or your computer
• Easy to operate- Just search for the music and click play.
• Download music for offline listening. Enjoy anywhere you are.
• Enjoy better sound quality than ever.
• No ads – just uninterrupted music.
• No commitment - cancel any time you like.
You can enjoy 30 free trial before deciding to upgrade to Premium.
1. Why upgrade to Spotify Premium?
• No ads. When studying and dancing, you won’t be interrupted by ads.
• Lots of different music, instantly. Hear any song you want.
• Enjoy offline mode. Listen to songs without wasting your data.
• Protect your ears. Premium packs more sound quality into songs.
2. Why get Spotify Premium apk for Family?
• Save a lot. Always $14.99, the more people you add, the more you save.
• Individual accounts. No need to worry about tantrums.
• Keep your playlists. Upgrade and save your music and get special recommendations.
• Super simple bill. Low price is ready for you and up to five family members.
3. Will we get regular Premium apk, or a light version? • You will get regular Premium, with all Premium benefits. Listen to your tunes on-demand, ad-free and offline.
4. How does the bill work? Do we split the cost? • Only one simple bill every month to cover the whole family. It’s always $14.99 for you and up to 5 people. For each person, it’s less than $3 every month.
5. Can I add friends too? • It is special discount for family. So you need to live at the same address.
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