This app is based on the 2016 eBook and print book, "Wounded Personalities"
Wounded Personalities is an educational psychology app which explains and describes the fascinating world of psychiatric personality disorders. The app includes a detailed 80 question user assessment which tests for a possible personality disorder.
In the world of psychology and psychiatry, personality disorders are relatively rare conditions affecting approximately nine percent of the adult population. This app explores these disorders and provides definitions, explanations, and even causes for these rare psychiatric disorders. Articles from experts in the field of psychology are included.
This app includes:
• A description and explanation of each of the ten personality disorders
• A message of caution regarding self diagnosis
• A discussion of the possible causes of personality disorders
• A comprehensive description of each of the PDs
• A fascinating take on personality disorders by Dr. Neel Burton.
• Examples of personality disorders in film and the media
• The difference between personality disorders and personality traits.
• Excerpts from the book, Wounded Personalities.
• An 80-question self-assessment for clinical personality disorders.
• A 25-question test on the user’s knowledge of personality disorders
Several factors put people at a greater risk of developing a personality disorder. These include:
Family histories of mental illness
Growing up in abusive, unstable or chaotic homes
Being diagnosed with a conduct disorder in childhood
Experiencing emotional abuse or neglect as children
Being disciplined in a harsh or inconsistent way as children
Having highly reactive or sensitive temperaments
If you have comments or questions regarding the app feel free to contact us at psycnetsolutions@gmail.com