Permohonan tidak rasmi untuk memeriksa dan memantau pelantar anda berjalan di distro etos
Mining System Monitor for ethOS
Unofficial monitoring application for checking your rigs running on ethOS Linux distro.
- You can add up to 5 accounts "yourdistroname.ethosdistro(com)"
- List of all servers (rigs)
- Status of rigs
- IPs
- Total hashrate of rig - all GPUs per rig (MH/s)
- Temperature of GPUs in Celsius
- Versions of ethosdistro OS
- Last seen of rig
- Mining time
- Total GPUs
- Total Hashrate for all GPUs of all rigs
- Hashrate per GPU, hashrate per rig
- Miner software info
Detail page
- Info about GPUs temp
- Powertune info
- Core info
- Memory speed info
- Fans info
- Voltage info
- Hashrate per GPU (1.0.7 above)
- GPUs bios info
- Driver info
- VRAM info
- Sysload
- Create time
- CPU temperature
- Total of RAM
- Free disk space
Hardware info
- Motherboard type
- Bios version
- Hard disk info
- Connected display resolution
- Network card info
- Display resolution