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Kuis Kesehatan : UKMPPD, UKOM Screenshots

About Kuis Kesehatan : UKMPPD, UKOM



UKDI UKMPPD General Medicine

UKDGI Dentistry


UKOM Nutrition

UKNI Nursing

UKBI Midwifery

Veterinary Medicine

Indonesian Health Quiz is a learning application for health circles through Android. Users can learn anywhere and anytime

course through the Indonesian Health Quiz application available on Play Store.

The questions in the Indonesian Health Quiz are not only limited to questions

short, but there will also be questions based on cases as well as questions

out during the Competency Test of each health field. So that users are not only trained in the ability to remember it, but will also be trained in the ability to analyze the problem.



The main feature that distinguishes this application from other applications. Each answer to the question will be available what is the correct answer accompanied by a discussion of why the answer is correct. The discussion can also be seen without having to work on the problem, namely through the submenus on the main page. So if the user is lazy to work on the problem, the user can immediately look to the discussion section. Of course the open discussion is in the part of the question that has been answered. Users can find out why the answer is right or wrong without the need to cross check through books or the internet.


Will be accompanied by player statistics that include the percentage of true and false, the number of true and false, the average time answering one problem, so the user can know his abilities. With this statistic the user is expected to be able to know his own ability in solving problems.

Search Questions:

Search for problems based on the keywords you want so you can focus on learning the material you really want to master.

Looking for friends:

Can see his friend's statistics such as correct amount, correct percentage, and answer time. It is expected that users will be more motivated between users.

Problem Grouping:

The purpose of category division is to make it easy for users to choose the questions they want to work on.

Sharing questions and discussion:

Can share questions and answers to other friends using various social media such as Line, WhatsApp and so on. So you can discuss with other friends.

What's New in the Latest Version 2.6

Last updated on Mar 7, 2020

-Kuis Kesehatan Indonesia adalah sebuah aplikasi pembelajaran bagi kalangan kesehatan melalui android. Pengguna dapat belajar di mana saja dan kapan saja.

-Meliputi bidang: Kedokteran Umum, Kedokteran Gigi, Farmasi, Gizi, Keperawatan, Kebidanan, Kedokteran Hewan

-Setiap soal disertai dengan pembahasan dengan jumlah saat ini mencapai lebih dari 1800 pertanyaan

-Beli Premium untuk terbebas dari iklan atau gunakan fitur nonton video untuk bebas iklan 5 menit

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Additional Game Information

Latest Version

Request Kuis Kesehatan : UKMPPD, UKOM Update 2.6

Uploaded by

Soola Sy

Requires Android

Android 4.0+

Available on

Get Kuis Kesehatan : UKMPPD, UKOM on Google Play

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