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Download Korean Uzbek Dictionary & Translator
Korean Uzbek Translation is so cool for language conversion and translation. Uzbek Korean Translator is most advanced technology used in the translator app does the work accurately.
Korean to Uzbek Dictionary – travel dictionary to Translate Korean to Uzbek displaying a list of words in Korean.
Translate Korean to Uzbek is very easy and convenient to use for students, adults and for people who work in offices where they required to use Uzbek Korean language on daily basis.
Translate Korean to Uzbek
Download Uzbek Korean Dictionary is user friendly and simple addition for the people who face problems while speaking, writing and have difficulty in finding translations from Uzbek to Korean.
Text to speech feature - Translate Korean to Uzbek has a unique speaking feature in it. user can use it by tapping text to speech feature on app and speak Korean to Uzbek words or sentences which user want to translate into English.
Korean to Uzbek Dictionary
Uzbek Korean Translator Keyboard can also work as Uzbek to Korean or English keyboard. For example if user want to write Korean word or sentences user do not need to change keyboard he just have to copy that words from translator app and paste into wherever he wants.
You Can learn Uzbek Phrases, improve vocabulary and pronunciation in a very effective way. You can memorize hundreds of Uzbek words with translation which will help you to improve your Uzbek vocabulary, so you can speak Uzbek Language fluently.
우즈벡 한국어 번역기 응용 프로그램은 한국어 우즈벡 번역의 음성뿐만 아니라 단어와 텍스트를 번역하는 데 도움이됩니다.
한국어-우즈베크 어 사전은 사전처럼 사용할 수있는 쉽고 빠른 번역을위한 최고의 안드로이드 애플리케이션입니다. 단어와 문장을 번역 할 수 있으며 언어 학습에 도움이됩니다.
Koreys Uzbek Tarjimon
O'zbekcha Koreyscha Lug'at
O'zbekcha Koreyscha Tarjimon dasturi - foydalanuvchilar uchun qulay va nafis vosita. Koreyscha O'zbekcha lug'atda minglab so'zlar va iboralarni bepul topishingiz mumkin, shuningdek siz xohlagan so'zni qidirishingiz mumkin va biz uning tarjimasini berish bilan shug'ullanamiz.
O'zbekcha Koreyscha Alifbo
O'zbek koreys tilini dunyo bo'ylab millionlab odamlar gapirishadi va biz bilamizki, kuchli va bepul o'zbek koreys dasturisiz bu tilni asoratsiz o'rganishingizga imkon berish oson bo'lmaydi.
Last updated on Aug 15, 2024
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업로드한 사람
Mc Wai Yan
필요한 Android 버전
Android 6.0+
O'zbekcha Koreyscha Tarjimon
3.2.12 by AML Developer
Aug 15, 2024