The ultimate tool for ecig vapers.
Introductory price! Get in now before more features are added and the price goes up!
- Standard ohm / volt / watt / amp calculator (Not applicable for temperature control)
- Unique variation feature. Find the ideal build configuration to reach your desired target.
- Wrap estimator.
- Currently has Nickel (Ni-200), Titanium, Kanthal, Kanthal A1, Kanthal A1 Ribbon, Kanthal D, Nicrhome 60 and Nicrhome 80.
Gauge from 20 to 34 (Not all gauges available for all wire types)
0.3mm x 0.1mm though 0.9mm x 0.1mm for ribbon wire
- Coil diameter presets of 1/32, 3/64, 1/16, 5/64, 3/32, 1/8, 0.5mm, 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.5mm, 3mm
- Option to manually enter diameter in millimeters is found in the app settings
- Ohms per inch chart for all of the above wire types
To best utilize the variation feature, be sure to go into the app settings and define your minimum / maximum ranges for ohms, volts, watts and amps.
Features to come:
- Juice mixing calculator and the ability to save recipes.
- Ability to override ohm per inch values with your own as not all mfg's are created equal
Please contact me with any problems before posting negative reviews!