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Hadith Apps Screenshots

About Hadith Apps

Aplikasi Kitab Hadist, Adzan Alarm dan Kalender Hijriah

Aplikasi ini berisi 74010 Hadits Nabi Muhammad(ﷺ) dalam Kitab 14 Imam Bahasa Arab dan Indonesia.

1. Kitab Shahih Al Bukhari (7008 Hadits)

2. Kitab Shahih Muslim (5362 Hadits)

3. Kitab Sunan An Nasa`i (5662 Hadits)

4. Kitab Sunan Abu Dawud (4590Hadits)

5. Kitab Sunan At Tirmidzi (3891Hadits)

6. Kitab Sunan Ibnu Majah (4332Hadits)

7. Kitab Muwatta Imam Malik (1595 Hadits)

8. Kitab Al Mustadrak (673 Hadits)

9. Kitab Musnad Syafi'i (1800 Hadist)

10. Kitab Musnad Ahmad(26363 Hadits)

11. Kitab Sunan Ad Darimi( 3367 Hadist)

12. Kitab Sunan Daruquthni (4790 Hadist)

13. Kitab Shahih Ibnu Hiban (2769 Hadits)

14. Kitab Shahih Ibnu Khuzaimah (1808 Hadist)

Ditambah Biografi .

Fitur yang tersedia:

1. Jadwal Shalat dan Adzan Alarm.

2. Kalender Hijriah dan Masehi.

3. Widget Jadwal sholat.

4. Bookmark, Pencarian Hadist, Catatan, Penanda, warna font dll…

5. Penunjuk Arah Kiblat.

Terimakasih kepada Allah Ta'ala , Nabi Muhammad (ﷺ), Sahabat, Tabi'in ……

atas segalanya.

source adzan alarm, hijri calendar, arah kiblat github.com/RyugaBahira

source hadits archive.org/details/SetupHaditsSoft

Semoga bermanfaat....

What's New in the Latest Version 3.2

Last updated on Mar 26, 2020

bug fix

Translation Loading...

Additional APP Information

Latest Version

Request Hadith Apps Update 3.2

Uploaded by

Chris Vanzkie Mangubat

Requires Android

Android 4.2+

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