FretBuzz Progressions

2.9 by G7alt
Aug 7, 2024

About FretBuzz Progressions

An application for practicing common jazz chord progressions for jazz guitar.

FretBuzz Progressions is an application for learning and practicing common jazz chord progressions on guitar.

It shows chord diagrams for ii V I, I vi ii V and Blues progressions.

Blues progressions cover basic blues with two fives and turnarounds and advances to Charle Parker's Blues for Alice.

The chords/diagrams listed start with basic chords/diagrams and then advance to chords/diagrams with extensions and alterations (when possible).

All chords/diagrams are connected with smooth voice leading.

The chord diagrams used are the common chord shapes used in jazz guitar;

- Shells

- Drop 3 Chords

- Drop 2 Chords

- Drop 2 & 4 and Drop 2 Chords.

The application can play the progression and it's variation you choose along with a metronome. You can set the speed of the metronome and follow along as the playing chord/diagram is highlighted.

You can tap on the chord name to hear its sound. Tapping on a chord note will play only that particular note.

You can adjust the size of the chord diagrams for your device.

There is also a left handed option in the settings.

You can think of this application as volume II of my FretBuzz Chords application.

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Requires Android


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