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Get Yoga in hindi - By disease old version APK for Android
Posture de yoga 40+ avec photo, avantages asana yoga, la prudence, pranayama en hindi
इस ऍप में 40 से अधिक आसनों एवं प्राणायामों का चित्र सहित सरल भाषा में वर्णन किया गया है| इसमे आसन करने की विधि, आसन से होने वाले लाभ और आसन करने से पहले क्या सावधानी रखनी चाहिए इसको विस्तार से समझाया गया है| आशा करते है की यह ऍप आपके लिए लाभदायक सिद्ध होगी|
This app presents approx 40+ yoga which will help you stay healthy and strengthen various body parts and will help you to gain inner peace. So start your yoga practice right away!
Salient Features of Yoga in Hindi
★ Perfect app with yoga for beginners and also contains yoga for advanced.
★ Offers yoga posture with picture.
★ Each Yoga has full description with yoga pose, benefits, and caution.
★ You can search asana with its name, benefits, uses in symptom of disease in both Hindi, english and Hinglish language.
★ Simple app. No internet connection needed!
Yoga in Hindi includes the following Yoga positions :
✓ भस्त्रिका प्राणायाम
✓ बाह्य प्राणायाम
✓ मूर्छा प्राणायाम
✓ उज्जयी प्राणायाम
✓ नाड़ीसोधन प्राणायाम
✓ अर्द्धचक्रासन
✓ अर्धमत्सयेंद्रासन
✓ उत्तानपादासन
✓ उष्ट्रासन
✓ कुर्मासन
✓ गर्भासन
✓ गोमुखासन
✓ चक्रासन
✓ ताड़ासन
✓ त्रिकोणासन
✓ नटराजासन
✓ नौकासन
✓ पद्मासन
✓ भद्रासन
✓ मंडूकासन
✓ मकरासन
✓ मत्स्यासन
✓ मयूरासन
✓ लोलासन
✓ वज्रासन
✓ वीरभद्र आसन
✓ शलभासन
✓ शवासन
✓ शशांकासन
✓ शीर्षासन
✓ सर्वांगासन
✓ सुखासन
✓ हंसासन
✓ हस्तपादासन
✓ सेतुबंध आसन
Yoga in Hindi app has the following categories of contents: Yoga for all, yoga for beginners, Daily Yoga, Daily yoga poses, yoga fitness, mudras, yoga for all, weight loss yoga, yoga for health, yoga in hindi, yoga for diabetes, yoga for BP, yoga for heart, yoga for back.
Here are the diseases and illness in which yoga can be very helpful:
Cervical Neck Pain, Healthy Skin and Face, Hair Growth, Cervical Spondylosis, Chest,Concentration and Memory Power, Depression and Anxiety, Abs, Acidity, Arms, Asthma, Back Pain Relief,Fit Body Shape, Flat And Slim Tummy, Gain Weight, Glowing and Health, Height Increase, High BP, Infertility, Irregular Periods, Liver And Kidney,Lower Back Pain, Thyroid and Weight Loss, Memory (Brain),Memory Power,Mental Peace, Relaxation,Runners,Sharp Mind,Stomach Fat Loss, Mind Concentration, Neck and Shoulder Pain,Obesity,Pcos,Perfect Shape Of Body,Piles,Pregnant Women,Reduce High Blood Pressure,Reducing Hips And Thighs, Regular Menstrual Cycle, Stress Relief, Stress Relief Study Concentration.
The app is relevant for the following app categories:
Yoga exercises, yoga in hindi, yoga meaning, yoga wikipedia, yoga information, yoga song, yoga videos, yoga for weight loss, daily yoga app, yoga apps for weight loss, yoga app in hindi, yoga studio, down yoga app, best yoga app india, pocket yoga app, 5 minute yoga app, yoga in hindi free, yoga book in hindi, yoga in hindi, yoga asanas in hindi with pictures, yoga in hindi, yoga in hindi photo free download, free yoga tips, yoga workout, yoga, yoga app in hindi for weight loss and weight gain. So do yoga daily!
1. This app is a self-contained offline app with a part of the contents from public domain.
2. The purpose of app is to provide entertainment/general information to user and promote yoga, thereby general health. All the images/audio and text contained in the app are collected from different internet sources. All the images/audio are readily available in various places on the internet and are believed to be in the public domain. However, we do not claim ownership/copyright of material/media used in the app. We acknowledge that the respective copyright owners of the contents own the rights. If you own the right to any content in the app, please write to us at [email protected] with the copyright details of the original source, and the stated content will be removed immediately. No infringement intended. We do not represent/recommend any entity in the field of yoga and are not associated with anyone practicing yoga or self-proclaimed yoga gurus or babas
Last updated on Jun 20, 2017
💠 40+ योगासन की जानकारी (रोग के अनुसार)
💠 सरल हिन्दी भाषा में (आसन करने की विधि, सावधानी व रोगों में लाभदायक)
Telechargé par
Suppawat Kornpan
Nécessite Android
Android 4.0+
Yoga in hindi - By disease
1.0.1 by IndiaKiApps
Jun 20, 2017