Find out, who took your phone without your permission.
Catch thieves, nosy friends, a partner, or whoever snoops around your phone in the act.
Best features of WTMP PRO:
- upload captures images to google drive.
- know who tried to open your Screen Lock.
- Capture photo of Intruder.
- Easy to use and simple to set up.
- Protect the app with password.
- Start or stop the system notification.
- App dark mode supported.
This app uses the Device Administrator permission. The application needs device administrator rights to look out for incorrect unlock attempts. Android only detects a password or pattern as incorrect if it has at least 4 digits/characters or pattern dots.
• How to uninstall?
To uninstall WTMP PRO, open the app and go to the "Settings" page and then uncheck "Failure unlock" at the Advanced Settings then uninstall the app normally.
If that doesn't work go to Android settings, security, device admins, and then deactivate WTMP PRO before uninstalling.