VoipCheap UK has various ways to contact your friends
New VoIP calling app: VoipCheap UK! Contact your friends or make a cheap international call using your android phone. Now available at the tip of your fingers!
Start with registering a username or use your already registered VOIP user.
VoipCheap UK has various ways to contact your friends (through call / text message):
1) Lets you easily setup a "VoIP call"
2) Lets you easily connect with a "local access number" (local tarif); When your Internet signal isn't too strong
3) Lets you easily setup a "Call Back call"; When your Internet signal isn't too strong and when no local access number is available for your country
4) Lets you easily send a text message (SMS)
Calling with VoipCheap UK makes your phone bill shrink! VoipCheap UK offers calling rates that are often 75% cheaper than competitors!
Start saving on your International and National calls NOW!
VoipCheap UK Offers:
- Make cheap VoIP calls from your Android Phone
- Connect trough Internet using Wifi, 3G, GPRS, or UMTS
- Latest Internet technology at cheap rates
- Solid sound quality
- Use your regular contact book to make VoIP calls
- Works around the world
- VoipCheap UK uses smart routing to get past any blockade
- Send Text messages(SMS)
- Calling information
Using our app as a default dialer may interfere with dialing 911 emergency services.