U.S. Navy Reserve's R2S application provides CAC authenticated access to R2S
Ready-2-Serve (R2S) is the Navy Reserve’s mobile application providing today’s Reserve Force the ability to deliver and receive digital information and access essential services anytime, anywhere, and on any device. The current version is the Enterprise Release. Features of the Enterprise Release include SELRES readiness status allowing access to readiness and training details in NRRM, access to orders and opportunities, email and calendar, useful links, and a help and support center. Authorized users may register to access R2S on the Navy Reserve Homeport by selecting the R2S icon. A mobile CAC reader from Thursby Software Systems, Inc. is required to use the application, and will be issued by the Navy Reserve to authorized users during the registration process. Authorized users are outlined in the R2S Governance Plan available on the Navy Reserve Homeport. R2S is for official use by members of the Navy Reserve.
Device must support USB host mode or On-The-Go (OTG). You can find a list of known compatible devices here: http://www.thursby.com/support/faq/compatible-phones-and-tablets