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Dangdut koplo and kendang is like a unity, both as if mandatory spoken in one breath. Kendang in koplo is a very important instrument. Because without kendang, koplo never be koplo.
Many people may say that all songs can be converted. This is very reasonable, yet it is. From Love Letter song to Virgoun Starla to Guns and Roses Welcome to The Jungle, origin has been worked by Sera, Monata, New Pallapa or OM-OM personnel, then directly koplolah dia.
One of the parameters of a koplo or not a song is from the kendang factor. He is in control. Love Letter Song for Starla without kendang accompaniment is just going to be a pop song alone, as well as with Welcome to The Jungle which without kendang accompaniment it will still be rock, not rockdut, let alone koplorockdut.