Learn Maths operations Addition Subtraction Multiplication Division in Bengali!
A great math app to teach your kids Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division and improve their mathematics অংক skills with easy and effective steps, all in Bengali/Bangla!
This Math app has the following features:
✓ Addition যোগ practise mode
✓ Subtraction বিয়োগ practise mode
✓ Multiplication গুণন practise mode
✓ Division বিভাগ practise mode
✓ Test পরীক্ষা mode: To test what you have learnt and improve!
✓ Digits in Bengali/Bangla
✓ Compatible with both mobile phones and tablets
✓ Share app with friends and family!
Learning Mathematics operations has never been this easy, so download this app today and get school-ready!