Addition & Subtraction for kids with animation
This is a free children game. The game helps kindergarten and first grade children to learn addition and subtraction with numbers up to 10 for easy level, up to 20 for medium level and up to 100 for hard level.
You can choose only additions, only subtractions or both operations.
For a good answer an "OK" sound is generated and the button become green. For a wrong answer a "not ok" sound is generated and the button become red. The score is displayed in the upper side of the screen.
After choosing an answer the frog icon is displayed and the kid can see an animation with addition or subtraction operation where the frogs jump inside or outside the lake.
In the application there is a small area for parents. In the main screen - results are display the results for each day with number of correct answers / number of answers and percent. Correct answers are displayed with green, wrong answers with red.
The application is available in english, spanish, german, italian, french and spanish.
Your child will improve his math addition and subtraction abilities quickly.
Play this game and enjoy!