下载 APKPure App
For KitKat and Lollipop This is the original App from xda-developers.
This is the original App from xda-developers. Don't accept fakes!
You can get support here: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2516913
Just install this App and click on "Enable Battery Percent". Then reboot. You can uninstall the App afterwards. The setting will remain.
No root needed!
You can only see the battery percent text, if the battery is empty enough. (White text on white battery!)
(Translation by SunnyOK)
我需要 Root 设备吗?
不需要. 应该对任何4.4+的手机都适用 :)
抱歉. 因为颜色被硬编码在SystemUI.apk里, 用这样一个简单的应用是不可能更改颜色的. 你需要反编译SystemUI.apk, 编辑一行原代码, 然后再编译. 其实, 我不计划要做到这一点. 因为我不想更改系统应用程序. 另外, 更改后, Google OTA 更新可能会失败并要求Root.
删除应用程序后, 百分比仍然存在.
这是因为应用更改系统设置. 应用并不显示电池本身!
我卸载了应用. 现在我想关闭百分比显示.
仅仅需要重新安装应用, 取消设置并卸载它.
Original Name
• Battery Percent for KitKat
Last updated on 2015年06月24日
You want to add a translation? Please send me your version of this file:
Added translations:
- Finnish (by Miska M.)
- Turkish (by Furkan M.)