下载 APKPure App
Help for astronomical observations at your sky location with small scopes or binoculars.
The user can enter up to 900 objects in this format: magnitud;RA;Dec;descripción;
Last updated on 2024年11月28日
6.8 Android U
6.7 Horizon
6.5 Android T
6.4 Android S
6.3 Android R
5.6 Android Q
5.5 Minor bugs
5.4 Network
5.3 GPS
5.2 Android P
5.1 Android oreo
4.8 Bugs
4.7 Android N
4.6 Better UI
4.5 Portrait/Landscape
4.4 Reset view
4.3 Local hours
4.2 Adapted for 4:3 screens
4.1 Pluto added
3.9 Minor bugs fixed
3.8 Improve ui
3.7 BugFix
3.6 Planets view improved
6.8 by Leo Rod