下载 APKPure App
* 不会获取任何个人隐私信息;
* 数据加密,安全有保障;
* 一键连接,快速访问全球各大站点;
* 国内外app秒开,脸书facebook、油管youtube、汤不热tumblr各种福利无压力打开;
* 稳定优质的线路,无需担心频繁掉线问题;
* 提供多个地区的服务器,让您在网络世界畅游;
* 更多精彩等待您的发掘!对所有网络访问隐藏您的真实网络地址!
* 访问您感兴趣的网站;
* 在您使用过程中提高安全性,保护您的隐私;
* 翻墙了解更多国内外政治、经济、文化大事;
* 听外国流行音乐、看热门视频必备神器;
* 为您提供专业加密通道;
* 翻墙看海外新剧:绝命毒师、废柴联盟、亿万-财富之战、裂痕、黑镜子、妖女迷行、编织记忆、镜花水月、如果还有明天、我们这一天、国土安全,更多台剧、美剧、韩剧、日剧、泰剧任你看。
* youtube上还有更多电影、电视剧、动漫、综艺、娱乐、动画、旅游、体育、教育等节目等着你。
* 产品内含用户说明手册,使用开始or过程,有任何问题都可以去查询解决方案。
* 懒人专线 : 使用VPN过程中,有问题,不爱看文字,评论区留下你的问题,我们会积极的作出回复。
FireflyVPN proxy:
* One Tap to Connect
* No credit card needed
* No Registration or Logging in needed
* No Logs saved
Bypass the firewalls as school free VPN proxy for school wifi and school computer.
Unblock websites with free VPN proxy server. It can also unblock video not available in your country.
Protect your network traffic under WiFi hotspot Browse anonymously and securely without being tracked. Enjoy private browsing.
Works with WiFi,4G, and all mobile data carriers.
Most Stable - Have lots of free cloud proxy server to provide better VPN service.
FireflyVPN is a completely free VPN service for Android that can be used to unblock all restricted websites and services such as Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc. In addition to bypassing banned websites, HexaTech secures your device’s connections while you’re connected to public wi-fi hotspots, cellular data networks and other public locations. It works just like proxy but even more secure!
FireflyVPN is an app that lets Android users encrypt their private mobile data, unblock geographically restricted content, surf fast and anonymously, and avoid being monitored by third parties for the utmost in speed, security and privacy. Stay anonymous and avoid being tracked, even on Wi-Fi networks that aren't secured.
Last updated on 2017年07月25日
1.1 by liao zichen