Call Recorder
First Try Free Version To Make Sure It works then purchase the paid one . You can find the free version of this app (in more from this developer section).Its also recommended that you only keep one call recorder installed on the phone at a time
The phone numbers can be organized into contacts.
- Every contact can have an associated picture selected by the user.
-- There are 4 possible recording formats: WAV (Lossless), AAC 128kbs, AAC 64kbps and AAC 32kbps.
- Recordings can be mono or stereo.
- The device can be put automatically on speaker while the application records the call.
- The device speaker can also be turned on and off manually using a button provided by a notification.
- Recordings can be stored in the application's private storage space or in a public accessible location on the device. If they are stored in a public accessible location, they can be easily transferred to other devices, like a laptop. The location of the recordings on the device can be easily changed.
- Phone calls from hidden (unknown) numbers are supported.
- The user can rename the recordings.
- The recordings can be played from within the application with the help of a dedicated audio player.
- The audio player can modify the sound volume of the device while playing. After the playing finishes, the audio volume of the device automatically comes back to the previous value.
- The audio player can apply a gain to the audio signal to further control how loud the sound is played.
- The application has 2 themes: light and dark.