পাঞ্জাবি কবিতা অর Muhavera উর্দু Zuban মা.
Punjabi Muhavare | Proverbs: A proverb means a short or condensed but memorable saying embodying some important fact of experience which is taken as true by many people.
There are thousands of proverbs in every living language of the world and especially in those languages which have long oral traditions. Our Punjabi language is one of those languages of the world which is full of short sayings on various subjects.
In this Application you will find over 300 proverbs covering subjects such as women, men, the rich, the poor, weather, farmers, business, health, life and death.
Written in 3 languages: English, Urdu, Hindi
300+ Proverbs
Covering many different subjects
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This application is full of wisdom, that any knowledge loving person will enjoy.
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